The bags have evolved long back from its original rugged feel which was made out of coarse jute or plant leaves. Initial bags were also made out of animal skin to carry heavy luggage on the back of horse or bullocks. A square piece of cloth tied into knots were also used by individuals to carry light weight luggage on one shoulder.
As time passed by, the bags were shaped into more precise forms and were differentiated according to their usage and the gender using them. A purse is a small bag being used by the females to keep monies and other small essentials, whereas its male counterpart is a wallet. School bags are used by the school goers and students to carry books and school nitty-gritties. A diplomatic bag is a bag used to carry official documents and other items between official entities. A duffel bag is a cylindrical bag mostly used to carry sports gears or by military personnel. A messenger bag is one sling bag which is carried over one shoulder, passing across the chest and laying on the opposite side. These bags were used by the mailmen but now they have become a fashion trend between the younger generations.
There are many other kinds of bag and among them, a baby diaper bag is in vogue for the new mothers. The diaper bags are used to carry the essential things a baby would need while on a move for a day. The baby diaper bags have designated compartments for storing baby foods, baby wipes, towels, dress, water bottle etc.
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