Handbags are into existence from as early as you can think of. The primitive handbags were made out of coarse material with a simple tying string. The handbags were used both by men and women mostly to store money and other essential belongings. Presently, there has been an extensive revamping in the world of handbags which is now exceptionally a lady’s accessory. The basic function of women handbags are not limited to toting bills and essentials but is a style statement depicting the status of the woman and power. The handbags gained its importance when the women started to step out of their house and travel far and wide.
During the time when the handbags were in the shape of pouches made out of silk, they were not carried in hand but were hung right below women’s skirt, hidden from the outside world and was only accessible by its owner. Later the pouch was made to look more elaborate with fancy embroidery and satin cloths used to store cosmetics, smelling powder and wooden fans to flaunt. The handbags were used more as an ornament than a useful gear to carry all of the belongings.
In the present day, where women have become more active and working with the men, a lot of things have added to the list which is essential daily. With the brewing interest over the bags, women like to mix and match the handbags with their ensemble portraying a style statement. Women handbags are available in innumerable shapes, sizes, styles and materials which are growing day in and out.
Tags: Women Handbags
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